6 Super Helpful Tips for Riding a Motorcycle in the Hot Summer Weather

Motorbiking is fun, but would you say the same on a hot summer day? Probably not, because that’s when you’ll least enjoy riding your motorbike. However, sometimes saying no may not be an option. So, here are a few super helpful tips if you must ride your motorbike in the hot summer weather.

#1 Choosing the Right Gear and Apparel

Motorsport apparel includes everything from flannels to boots. Depending on the season, you’ll also have the option to choose between hoodies and jackets. Then there are a bunch of other accessories to choose from. All these exist to make riding a motorbike safer and more comfortable. Thus, you can’t do without them, even on a warm day. However, you can always pick the right kind of motorsport apparel for your trip.

A neck gaiter or bandana will be helpful to keep the sun off of your neck. Avoid wearing black and only wear light colors. Go for something plain white if possible. Mesh jackets and pants should be good enough to keep you comfy. You can also opt for a perforated leather jacket.

#2 Avoiding Alcohol, Sugar, and Caffeine

Alcohol, sugar, and caffeine dehydrate your body. So, when you’re riding on a hot summer day after consuming all those things, you’re rapidly losing water from your body. Even with constant hydration, you can’t keep yourself hydrated. These diuretics will eventually make you feel dizzy and nauseous. You might even end up vomiting during the ride. 

#3 Staying Hydrated

The human body needs three to four liters of water every day. On a hot day, that volume increases by at least another liter. The same goes for when you’re riding a bike for hours under the sun. 

You wear a helmet, motorsport apparel, and other protective gear during the ride. All those things suffocate your body. While you will be sweating a lot, you’ll still need to hydrate yourself. Otherwise, you’ll eventually feel dizzy and might faint. 

Hence, carry a water bottle with you or a water backpack. Have a sip every 30 minutes or so. Keep the body hydrated so you can function and think straight during the ride.

#4 Having the Right Type of Food

Food always impacts our bodies and minds. The right kind of food will help you make it through a hot day of riding your bike. The wrong type will make the journey and overall experience extremely exhausting. 

Before heading out for the day, have a light breakfast that includes multivitamins and potassium. Carry a bag of pistachios or other salty snacks for the ride. Peanut butter is also something that can give your body much-needed electrolytes. 

Once again, avoid sugary things before heading out as well as during the trip. They will only slow you down.

#5 Making Frequent Stops

Usually, when riding a bike, you have to stop for gas. Other than that, you might stop for lunch or a quick break if you’re traveling a great distance. Most bikers don’t want to take breaks, especially when they want to save time and reach their destination fast. However, it’s something you’ll have to do, even if you don’t want to when it’s scorching hot outside.

Your helmet itself is enough to fry your head. You need to get yourself out of there every once in a while to enjoy some fresh air. Take a 15-minute break after every hour of constant riding. If you’re in a rush, take a 20-minute break once every two hours. 

During your break, don’t consume any sugar. That will only dehydrate you. Instead, drink more water. Avoid smoking, too, as it can lead to quicker exhaustion. 

#6 Don’t Ride When It Gets Too Hot

You’ll often find bikers from places like Texas and Arizona talking about how they’d start riding their bikes at midnight if they had to travel a long distance. That’s because midnight is the only time when the hot summer sun wasn’t beating down on them. It might seem unnecessary, but when you have to ride a bike while dealing with hot weather, you’ll often have to take these extreme measures. 

In many places, the summer isn’t that hot. However, there will be certain times in the day when the temperature is at its warmest. Therefore, know the climate around you before you start riding your motorbike. Consult a weather app to check out the forecasts and plan accordingly. 

That’s all for today. Stick to these tips if you want to stay in one piece by the end of this hot journey. You’ll be pushed to your limits but can still stay somewhat cool and sane if you follow the tips we’ve just given you.