Is it high time to quit using drugs? Substance abuse affects the lives of addicts in every sense of the word. These individuals start alienating themselves from the people they love and lead fictional life.
Deciding to make a change is the most important step on the way to recovery. There are many drug rehab centers in Lakewood, helping addicts to get free of these substances. The advantages of overcoming addiction are numerous, such as improving your memory and focus, looking younger, accepting reality, improving sleep, rebuilding your relationships, etc.
Each advantage is discussed in detail below.
Better memory and focus
Probably one of the most crucial benefits of overcoming drug addiction is getting your memory, focus, and mental clarity improved. Drugs have the power to influence the strength of focus, along with your short-term and long-term memory. The path to sobriety makes the mind stronger and restores the cognitive abilities of addicts.
Once you quit drugs, your mind will automatically become sharper, allowing you to focus on your hobbies and work activities. While under the influence of substances, individuals tend to neglect their everyday activities and responsibilities. Nevertheless, by overcoming your addiction, your mental clarity will be significantly improved.
Substance abuse is closely related to memory loss, especially long-term use of illegal substances. Most drugs trigger two forms of memory loss, brownouts, and blackouts. The former refers to the temporary loss of memory when addicts forget events that took place while using. The latter refers to having no recollection whatsoever of anything that’s happened.
Addicts are likely to develop significant short-term memory loss. The good news is that fourteen days of detoxification are enough for the brain to bounce back. You will no longer experience blackouts and be once again able to remember everything that occurred when sober.
Improved appearance
Another vital benefit of overcoming drug addiction is experiencing appearance improvements. The consumption of large drug amounts over a longer time period can have a devastating effect on the physical appearance of individuals. Longtime substance users look much older compared to their actual age.
Substance abuse is capable of causing liver damage, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiencies, and reduced body ability to fight against infections. Methamphetamine addicts, in particular, experience drastic appearance changes due to their continuous use of meth, such as red skin, premature aging, weight loss, open sores, missing teeth, dark eye bags, wrinkles, etc. Go here to see some pictures that show how heroin, cocaine, and oxycodone change one’s physical appearance over time.
Fortunately, the body has an incredible capacity to heal itself after being subjected to substance use. Once you quit drugs, the signs of aging will reduce, and you will look like the original version of yourself once again. The harmful effects of these substances can be reversed by rebuilding your health through proper exercise, nutrition, sleep, and rest.
Better sleep
Another benefit of overcoming drug addiction is getting better sleep. Addiction is believed to trigger insomnia and other sleep issues. Many addicts experience difficulties in achieving healthy, deep sleep. Fortunately, when letting go of drugs, you will start getting high-quality sleep.
Feeling rested is crucial for your overall health, as sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on all areas of life. By quitting drugs, you will once again feel rested upon waking up. Consequently, you will have more energy for performing social activities and work obligations.
Accepting reality
Another reason to overcome substance abuse is to accept reality. Many individuals become addicts just because they wish to escape reality and live in an imaginary world. Throughout the process of overcoming addiction, individuals learn how to tolerate reality. It’s all about giving up the fictional version of yourself and your life so as to start taking responsibility for your actions and behaviors. You will end up accepting yourself and start living your life.
Better relationships
Sobriety is crucial for improving the relationships addicts have with their partners, friends, and family members. Addiction causes individuals to isolate themselves and push their loved ones away, including their family members. By the time they commence the recovery process, addicts have just a few or no friends left. This link,, explains how to help someone dealing with addiction.
Drug addiction has detrimental effects on romantic relationships and marriages, as the partners of addicts are bound to stop tolerating their significant others at some point. Nevertheless, sobriety can help you reconnect with your friends and family. It takes plenty of work to rebuild these relationships and keep the people you love the most in your life.
Boosted self-esteem
Quitting drugs is helpful in improving your self-esteem, as getting caught up in substance abuse can destroy one’s self-confidence and make a person feel completely worthless. In fact, low self-esteem has a close connection to addiction, given many addicts start using because of having low confidence. Individuals often abuse substances while trying to overcome negative feelings and thoughts.
Furthermore, it often happens for addicts to engage in stealing, lying, or other dishonest behaviors throughout their addiction. When becoming sober, they start feeling guilt and shame about the actions they have taken. Nevertheless, the recovery process can help you rebuild your self-esteem and restore your sense of self-worth.
Improved mental health
Another significant benefit of overcoming drug addiction is staying on top of your mental health. Substance abuse is relatively common in individuals coping with anxiety and depression. People who are anxious or depressed are more susceptible to abusing drugs for the purpose of lifting their mood or avoiding the feelings of despair and guilt.
Moreover, addicts can undergo depression after the substance effects wear off. Once you enter recovery, you should start addressing the mental health problems you have with professional help. It’s paramount for individuals to realize that abusing substances won’t solve their issues with anxiety and depression.
Final thoughts
Sobriety can help you enjoy all of the above-mentioned benefits.
The mental and physical changes you will experience afterward are indeed tremendous!